Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Clothed, sitting (Sophia)

All this lying around healing is making me draw a lot. It's still Megan's fault.

I hate this one most of this batch, so it goes first to get it out of the way. Her face looks too far forward, and her left shoulder is totally fucked AFAICT. Cannot get puffed sleeves to look anything other than wrong. Also, horrible drapes of fabric. Curse you Regency fashions!! Legs were/are a bugger, though the "draw it as a volume/designate front" did help make it less of a bugger. Gave up on the shoes as I got bored and I'm dedicated like that.

Sophia has a flower. Not that sort of flower, you perv.

1 comment:

  1. Megan's comments from irc:

    Right, the arms are good, though forearms are still a little thin (I have proportionately wide forearms so this skews my opinions), I suspect the upper arms are not too long, just that the very top of the forearm is a little narrow. hands are good :) You have fixed the problems with the noses. The eyes are good, they are angled correctly.

    The mouth could do with being a little wider. the corner of the mouth is approximately at a vertical line through the centre of the pupil (I just checked this in a mirror rather than, y'know actually adhering to this stuff myself...)

    Drapery of fabric takes *ages* to get the hang of, it will come suddenly and you will nto understand how or why. But it is important to remember gravity. This is the problem with your puffered sleeves. The book is resting correctly.

    Her left shoulder is at the wrong angle for that chest angle, I really suggest looking at the pose you want to do in a mirror if you can. Moving it would also fix the "left breast much smaller than right". The angle of the bench should be more liek 30 degrees rather than 45 degrees. Sitting legs are hard, also her right leg is longer than her left. Ear still slightly high but is getting there :) You have collar bones well. There is also the top of the manubrium that should be showing (the little u shape between the two collar bones.)
