Monday, 20 February 2012

Lying down, Heresy and Evelyn

What with the culture shock of full-time work, it's forever since I've drawn anything. I'd had this image in my head for a while, so I decided to end the shite-drought by attempting something with two figures in awkward positions! Because I'm a masochist! :D

Heresy awake before Evelyn is not something that happens every day. Or even every month.

With permission from Evelyn's player. He looks slightly grumpy. Or pained. Maybe it's his disposition. Maybe it's because he's attached to Heresy, the poor mad fool. Maybe it's Maybelline.

Things this picture contains that I suck at: 1) fabric folds b) awkward postures c) composition. She's too close to him - her left leg must be right next to him d) men, generally e) people larger than me, generally f) someone else's actual face g) everything!

Despite this list I'm currently fairly pleased with this one. Doubtless this will change. I remain convinced that her head is too big, but the ruler and skull ref tell me otherwise. I dunno.

What's wrong with it? :D


  1. I think I'd have expected some perspective, and for him to be drawn at a slightly larger scale than her, given the positioning.

    I think the area to the left of her left eye is wrong, given the slightly turned head. I'd expect less gap between eye and edge-of-face.

    He'd need to be doing something pretty weird with his legs for the blanket to drop away quite that fast, below his hips. (If his hips were turned forwards, and his right knee was in front of his left, that might do it, but they don't look like that.

    His left shoulder has seriously sunk into the bed, and I think his right arm is a bit short, albeit in proportion with itself.

    's a nice picture, but hey, you asked for it... :-D

    1. Aha! I think you've solved the mystery of why I think she's too big despite them being the same size. Ace! That makes much more sense now. It remains a mystery to me wtf actually happens to your shoulder when you lie on your side. Might have to bribe or blackmail someone into letting me draw them, it's kind of an awkward position to self-observe.

      Yes, yes I did ask for it! Thank you! :D
