Monday, 4 July 2011

Standing (Rosamund, cheesecake)

I. Er. I accidentally some very tame Rosamund cheesecake.

The books. Oh holy God the BOOKS. They took longer than she did. There are 130 of them visible if I counted right. I am never going to draw anything with a bookshelf in it again. It is an exercise pleasing only to the mad, the foolish and the terminally bored. This must be post-baby, because she's not that thin in this. her right leg is wrong and I can't seem to get it right. This looked better with the skirt seethrough - legs made more sense when fully visible. The ladder is wrong but I'd drawn too much by the time I'd put it in to tweak everything enough to get it right, so I left it. Or is that just me? This was mostly an exercise in fabric folds (ugh) and legs. And BOOKS.

Actually SFW. Contains (gasp) legs and (double gasp!) loose hair!

Rosamund must be teasing her husband...

1 comment:

  1. Neck is awesome, but the left shoulder is dropped as though her arm wasn't raised. Ear looks too small to me, as does the left hand. Elbow probably wants a tad more definition. Height difference between the stocking tops isn't a step's worth, so it looks like her right foot must be hovering or something.
